

I know this post that I’m about to write might be unpopular to some muslims, but I think I owe those in true search on where to stand on a day like this, this simple truth I’m about to write.

So the main question is ‘what would Muhammad do?’ right? Well, the truth is that, in the face of all the libelous cartoons Charlie Hebdo publishes, the Prophet of Islam, if alive, would have done NOTHING! And I am not making this up.

If you think this Charlie Hebdo Magazine did anything close to what the non-muslim Arabians did to the prophet back in the day, then you have definitely not read enough about the life of the Prophet.

Do you know they mobilized kids to stone him to death, and he had to run for his life? The kids even broke his front tooth. And you know what he told the Angels when they wanted to avenge him? he said ‘perhaps, some of their progeny will accept Islam’. He laid his hands of mercy upon them. And that place, Taif, is predominantly a muslim territory today.

You know what the prophet did when his disciples were being killed and he was being harassed and called ‘Insane’? he calmed his disciples, and they left for Abyssinia, now Ethopia. After which they left for Yathrib, now Madinah.

Let me make you understand the atrocities that were being committed against them before they fled.

Sumayah, a woman, was the first human that was murdered by the Arabians because she became a muslim. They tortured her, and when they got tired, they stabbed her private part with a hot spear.

Bilal, a black man, was cooked several times under the desert sun. They would wear an iron armor on him sometimes, and other times, they’d place his back on the hot sand, and place a rock on his chest. And yet, he refused to deny Islam.

And the common practise was to tie the limbs of the muslims to two separate horses, and then make the horses stretch them till they die.

Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, was alive at this time. There were several attempts by assassins to take his life. In fact, while they fled to Madinah, some assassins and bounty hunters still followed him, and the Prophet and his Companion, Abu Bakr, had to hide in a cave.

So again, if Muhammad was alive, he would flee a place that did not like him to a better haven, where he would continue to preach his message of peace. Or you think these Arabians weren’t calling him names, and drawing offensive ‘cartoons’ of him? Did he tell anyone of his companions to fight back at any point during these atrocities? No!

I transcribed a lecture mid last year, and it is titled ‘What Is Victory?’ You guys should take time to read it – https://princeadewaleoreshade.wordpress.com/2018/04/15/187/

I’m about to summarize an incident that was well covered in the transcript. At a point, when Muhammad was negotiating with the Arabians for a chance to just make pilgrimage, the Prophet, with the aid of his disciples wrote a Treaty. It’s famously known as the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah.

In it, they laid out terms, and as much as all the terms were varied, and the Prophet had to concede to those of the Arabians, one of the terms was that, they said that the part where he was referred to as a ‘messenger of God’ must be erased.

That to them, he is not, and that this Treaty is ‘between Muhammad the son of Abdullah’, and them. You know what the Prophet did, he ordered that the ‘messenger of God’ be erased, and that their position be upheld. Ali, his scribe declined to erase those words, so the Prophet asked where the words were written, and then, with his own hands, he erased the ‘messenger of God’. With his own hands. Note that.

And this Treaty, by Allah, was what led the path to the victory of Islam over Makkah, and the entire Arab world.

So what is Charlie Hebdo Magazine doing again? They are treating the Prophet as a mere man, just like the Arabians did over fourteen hundred years ago. And as much as we choose to be Ali, we must note that Ali did not reach for their throats, he only backed out out of respect. He couldn’t bring himself to erasing such a profound truth.

You see, again, I implore everyone reading this to please and please read the transcript I provided the link to above so as to understand what victory should be to we muslims. Violence never win wars. It never has! Every blood spilt will water the trees for more rebels. And this is not only true to the muslims causing mayhem everywhere around the world, it is true, also, to the countries spending billions of dollars to ‘fight terrorism’.

Fighting terror will not end terror. In fact, the war on terror has brought more terror. It has increased the demands for weapons, and the companies dealing in the production of weapons have grown obese over the years.

What win wars? Communication! That’s what the Prophet did after signing the Treaty. He reached out to the People of Arabia. Enlightening those that have to know. And that will mean that one has to first know what to be taught.

Terrorists, Extremists, Fundamentalists, or whatever term you wish to call them act on what they know. Killing those that you think teach them what they know will not end their Orientation. The message will not just disappear in their minds. No! Death will not make them forget. You know what death of a loved one does, it aggravates. And in as much as the Prophet pbuh once said that ‘the strong one is not one who wins the other in a fight, but the one who is able to suppress his anger’, these folks will not take to the advise. They don’t even know or believe these sayings of the Prophet.

Those fighting the war on terrorism have over the decades spent zillions of dollars and human resources, and the only change we’ve seen is that these ‘terrorists’ have gotten more sophisticated. You know why? Because violence ends nothing. We should have learned this from the wealth of war histories at our disposal as humans, but those selfish and greedy folks making money off weapon sales won’t let these wars end.

If people are taught the true message, and this does not apply to muslims alone, but to every body, institution or nation that wants to fight a war, their plans will be foiled without it even beginning.

For example, if the Palestinian freedom advocates will send delegates to reach out to the People of Israel, and make them know the truth about what Britain, America and the Zionists did to get them that land they call theirs, the people will reject any anti-Palestine politician, and if their work gets really successful, the Israelites might even vote in a Palestinian to lead them. And this is not far fetched. Judaist Jews want Palestinians governing over the territories now known as Israel. The Palestinians were the ones governing when the Jews were being prosecuted in Europe, and they were the ones that made Palestine home to the Jews, until Zionists hijacked the whole situation with the help of America. Like I wrote, these Judaists might even elect a Palestinian, after all, no one wants to sit on a pot of boiling blood. You can read another essay on my website that addressed this history. It’s titled – How the State of Israel Ethnically Cleansed Palestine.

Back to my rant on what Muhammad would have done if he was alive; like I wrote above, he would have continued with his message of peace. And he would continue to pray for those that do not want to listen to him. He would pray for them, and their generations to come.

So if you ask me what my take is in the light of this oppression melted out on those seemingly innocent satirists at Charlie Hebdo Magazine, I’d say ‘be the Prophet!’ Hide in a Cave. Run from Kids with Stones.

If you ask me again, I’d say ‘be his Disciples!’ Stand away. Let the sun bake you while the stone burns you. Take the hot spear in your private part. Let the horses stretch you to death. And if you cannot take all of these, go on exile! Do anything but start a Massacre in the name of the Prophet.

And if people ask why you fled, tell them it’s what the Prophet would do. If you are asked why you won’t take up arms to fight in defense of the Prophet’s name, tell them the Prophet erased his. Tell them that what gave the Prophet and Islam the Key to Makkah wasn’t Violence, it was Communication. It was a Treaty. It was reaching out to the People.

This is what end wars! Not violence! One becomes Victorious when one has successfully changed what’s in the ‘Other’s’ mind, not when one eliminate the ‘Other’. The Other cannot be eliminated. Seeds will become Shrubs and Shrubs will become Trees, and Trees will be Shade to more Violence.

These histories are there for everyone to read, and this is the true Islam. Selah! #PeaceToAll #JeSuisCharlie #RantEnds #BackToTheEpic

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