Q49 V12 on why backbiting is the same as eating one’s brother’s corpse.

This is a continuation of https://bit.ly/3n0jarb

Now to the expression ‘would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?’ in Q49 V12. The first word is ‘ayuhibu’, from ha and ba, hub; 8 forms of the word occurred 95 times in the Quran. And before we go into the obvious meaning of the word, which is ‘love’, let’s see how it got to be so.

You see, hub, is, really, said of seed-produce, whether small or large. It has been said to include grains of wheat, barley, lentils, rice, peas, kernels; stones of grapes, dates, pomegranates etc. And because life needs seeds for the continuity of life; there is a love of seeds, because through it, life is sustained. And so from that flows affection, love, to love, to prefer, core of the heart, loved one, a friend etc.

And so with the first word of this sentence, we already have the theme of food going on. And, again, Allah could have used any other word in Arabic within the scope of love, which they happen to have various words for, but the precision of the Quran is one that is unrivaled; so mathematical, absolute. Praise be to Him, the Most Eloquent, the Greatest.

In Arabic, like I wrote above, when one just says hub, it would be general, one would have to be specific to really communicate what type of love one is talking about. I have been able to document 21 stages of love so far, and I am sure, there are more expressions for love in the Arabic language. I would like to digress a bit with one liners on what they mean; starting with Hawa; which means attraction love, Sobwa; amusement love, A’laqat; attachment love, Wud; friendliness love, Wajd; preoccupation love, Shawq; longing love, Khulat; unification love, Garam; intensity love, Kalaf; infatuation love, I’shq; adulation love, Sha’af; passionate love, Shagaf; love that causes affliction, Najwa; heartburn love, Jawa; intense grief love, Wasob; excruciating pain and illness love, Istikana; unhealthy submissiveness kind of love, Tatayum; enslavement love, Tabl; malady love, Tadleeh; disorder love, WalaH; loss of reason love, Huyam; insanity love.

So by Allah using hub, the umbrella term; He is asking if one would, of any of the terms mentioned above, love to eat the corpse of one’s brother. Does one have appetite within the realm of the terms mentioned to the corpse of one’s brother? Even if one were a cannibal, one still wouldn’t long to eat the flesh of one’s deceased brother.

Now to the word ‘kul’ that’s translated to ‘eat’. It means to chew something, and then swallow it, something one drinks or swallows without chewing is called makul. One of the meanings of kul is also to be weak, tired, fatigued and the likes; and the relationship between tiredness and eating shouldn’t be too hard to understand considering the reality of niggeritis, which is the laziness, tiredness and even sleepiness one feels after eating.

So, combining chewing, swallowing and the fatigue that comes after; the question being posed becomes even heavier, because that means that the question isn’t just asking can one take a bite, and maybe spit it out? It is asking if one can stomach cutting one’s brother’s corpse up, clean the meat up, and prepare a festive meal, that one will eat till one becomes really full so that one then becomes tired, fatigued, weak, lazy and the likes.

The next word that follows is ‘lahm’, I would argue that that has to be the true origin of the word ‘lamb’, but of course, they gave it to the German word ‘lamm’; anyway, here, it was translated to ‘flesh’. Lam, ha and mim are the root letters, and 2 forms of it occurred a total of 13 times in the Quran.

Lahm is classically said of when threads are intertwined closely to make a cloth; the waft and the warp. And so a cloth is called lahm, and so is to patch it up, and that’s how it came to be used for skin or flesh, because that’s the cloth that covers our bones, and what patches us up when we tear by way of injury.

To understand meat in this way is important because of the themes that been talked about in this verse vis-à-vis slandering, libel, backbiting and the likes. Allegorically, one’s secret or own’s affair is something only one should know, what’s within one, something one has covered-up, and is now between one and Allah; the moment someone backbites one, and tells one’s affair, they are removing the patch, the cloth, the skin, the flesh, from one’s covered affair, and so backbiting is done. And when one reads and understands it this way, one is able to easily see why Allah has likened backbiting to eating one’s brother’s corpse.

The choice of the word ‘brother’ in this rhetorical-question expression is emphasized in the next verse where Allah mentions that all of mankind were created from Adam and Eve, and so we are all siblings, all of humanity. And in V10 above, He already expressly said all Muslims are brothers, siblings to themselves. And why dead? Dead, because, of course, he is not present; he could already be dead at the time one is going about gossiping about them without one knowing.

So, ‘would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?’ is a perfect expression of what really happens when one goes about telling tales that’s intended to unveil patches, covers, that one would rather not let the public or anyone else know.

If someone trusts one to tell one their secrets, or invites them to their home, or shows them something that the backbiter then thinks someone else would be eager to know, even though the backbiter knows that the victim wouldn’t want that information to be known to anyone else; then, the backbiter is doing more than biting one in the back; he is having a fill of the flesh of his dead brother.

Allah, in His Rahma ends the verse by reminding us of two of His names; tawabur raheem. He is the one and only that’s capable of accepting one’s repentance, and granting one forgiveness, and He is the Most Merciful.

So the Muslim is reminded that as soon as she or he notices that they’ve fallen into the vices highlighted in the verses above, they should not hesitate to seek forgiveness immediately, and try as much as possible not to go back to it.

To not seek forgiveness right away is to give shayton time to make one feel so guilty, that one then loses hope in the mercy of Allah, a state of mind that is antithetical to the Islamic faith; a muslim must always be certain of the mercy of Allah, and receptive and acceptive of the fact that once one truly repents for one’s sin, one’s sin has been forgiven.

It is said that Allah is pleased with the one that repents and then slips, and keeps repenting and slipping over and over because it shows that that sinner does not despair of Allah’s mercy, and he knows deep in His heart that Allah alone forgives sins, and directs His repentance to Him; and that that’s something the nonbeliever doesn’t do.

Hopelessness, really, negates a lot of Allah’s attribute, and in some places in the Quran, it was even likened to kufr. May Allah make us not despair of His mercies. Amin. May He grant us His mercies. Amin. May He make it easy for us to know sin as sin, and seek repentance right away. Amin. And may He make following His commandments easy for us. Amin.

Q49 V12 on why a muslim must not spy or backbite anyone.

This is a continuation of https://bit.ly/3qo3AHV

Q49 V12 continues its streak of commandments with ‘wa la tajasasu’, translated to ‘And do not spy’. Tajasasu being the word translated to ‘Spy’. Jim, sin, and sin are the root alphabets of the word, and jasas occurred only once in the Quran, just like a handful of words in this chapter.

Jasas means to test by hand, to feel with one’s hands, and of course, the purpose of feeling or touching the thing is so as to form a judgment. And so Jasas is said of the physician when she or he feels the body of a patient to know if the patient is hot, warm or cold. It is also said of the one that wants to buy a sheep, so he feels the sheep, deep beneath the wool, to know for sure if it were fat or lean.

And so from that comes the idea of to probe, to examine, to spy, to probe into other people’s private lives, their affairs, and the likes. And even though the translation above added ‘on one another’ immediately after ‘do not spy’, it is important to note that ‘wa la yagtab’ actually comes before ‘on one another’; thereby adding both instructions together, so that the ‘on one another’ then applies to both commandments. The translator did a good job of writing ‘on one another’ twice to emphasize that point. The importance of that also flows into the meaning of ‘yagtab’ that follows.

But before going into yagtab though, it is important to note that what constitutes jasas doesn’t have to be a full on investigative endeavor, but just like a mere touch to feel is jasas, mere stretch of one’s neck, hands, ears, eyes may constitutes jasas. Have I mentioned that Islam is a religion of mind-your-business yet? I think I did in the last post. May Allah make it easy for us to heed his words. Amin.

As for yagtab that follows, its root alphabets are gain, ya, and ba. And 6 forms of the word occurred a total of 60 times in the Quran; yagtab however, occurred only this once. Gayb is said of the depth of a well that is unknown, and so it means the unknown, as in Q2 V3. From that flows the idea of being invisible, to be concealed, be absent, and through that flows the ‘speaking of one in their absence’.

Gayb is also said of the setting of the sun, because the sun then disappears. It is said of the moon and the stars too, because they disappear. And so, to do geebah of someone is not only to talk of them behind their back, while they aren’t there or aware, but the continuous disappearance, just like the moon; that hides when light comes, lurks around, and then shows itself when one turns their back. And that’s to show that the one that does geeba doesn’t just do it once and move on, they lurk around also, to lay their news of someone on someone else.

As for the phrase ‘ba’dukum ba’don’ translated to ‘on one another’, we’ve touched on it in the previous post, and there, we mentioned how ba’d actually means mosquito, gnat, to be stung or bitten by a mosquito, or for something to be as small as a mosquito. And in the previous post, when talking about zon (suspicion), it was used to mean ‘some’, but here, while talking about geeba, it is used to mean ‘on one another’, or some of you to some of you. So, don’t backbite one another. ‘Some’ of you should not backbite ‘some’ of you to others; stretching the fact that it can be a group thing too.

But to go back to the mosquito imagery, because Allah could have used some of the other words He used in the Quran for ‘some’, like man, as in Q2 V8; min, as in Q24 V45; fariq, as in Q24 V47 and 48; and the list goes on. But the fact that He used ba’d here, a word that originates from an insect that’s known to bite in the dark, when one will be unable to see it, perhaps even bite one in the back too in the dark. I mean, the English etymology didn’t give credit to Arabic for being the origin of ‘backbiting’, it was credited to a sport called bear-baiting, but going through Classical Arabic etymology of the wordings in this verse, one can’t help but give it to Arabic, especially as it continues by talking about literally eating of someone’s flesh after their death, and likening backbiting to that.

Ba’d, meaning ‘some’, as seen in Q11 V54, also carries along the idea of not carrying about ‘some’ information about someone else around, telling it in their absence, like the mosquito does in the dark. So, some of you should not carry some information about some of you to some other people, even if it were as little as a mosquito. I think the rhetorical question that follows this sentence in this verse about eating one’s dead brother’s flesh carries the wisdom of what one should not share, and why one should not share it, but I will inshaAllah dedicate another post to that.

It’s also interesting that Allah mentioned jasas first before geeba; because it is only when one spies information, that one is able to start spreading rumors, gossips, and the likes, like mosquitoes do.

Talking of mosquitoes, when they bite, they don’t only suck one’s blood, they secret saliva that enters one’s bloodstream, and yes, they transmit blood borne illnesses, so that the person bitten then becomes sick too. And in this case, the illness manifests when the person also tells the story that they’ve been told, thereby infecting someone else. This explains one of the reasons why Allah mentioned ba’d thrice in this verse alone, to remind us not to be like the mosquitoes; and it starts by making sure one is not infected in the first place. For the moment one let’s one’s guard down, and gets themselves infected, the likelihood of not sharing the information will remain a daily internal battle. So one must not only avoid gossips, one must also protect one’s self from hearing them by all means.

May Allah make it easy for us to abide by His instructions. Amin.

PS Q49 V12 continues here

Q49 V12 on why a muslim must not be suspicious of others

Q49 V12 starts by calling on the Mumin, or those aspiring to be a Mumin; basically calling on every one who claims to be a muslim. And the first thing He says is ijtanibu. The root alphabets are jim, nun and ba. 8 forms of it occurred a total of 33 times in the Quran. Here, it was translated to mean ‘avoid’, but its classical meaning is the ‘side’, as in Q4 V103 that says ‘When you have completed the prayer, remember God, standing, or sitting, or on your sides…’; there, junub was translated to sides. But how did it come to mean ‘avoid’? You might ask.

You see, Junub, also means to put something aside. For instance, someone that wants to save money, puts it aside. And from that flows the idea of protecting something, or protecting one from something. Q14 V35 says “Recall that Abraham said, ‘O my Lord, make this land peaceful, and keep me and my sons from worshiping idols’”, junub there was translated to ‘keep me’, some translators have it as ‘preserve me’, but the idea is to ‘protect me’, just like the money one puts in one’s piggy bank so as to protect it from not being spent.

To point out that Janab also means ‘protect’ is important, that way, one knows what to have in mind when one is trying to avoid what follows, zoni, suspicion. When one knows that, one is not only able to avoid something, but also, one knows to protect one’s self from being able to fall into that thing.

With ‘kathir’ that comes after it, Allah is telling us to avoid, and protect ourselves as much much as possible, a great deal, as much as we can from zoni. As for Zoni, what does it really mean?

Four forms of it occurred sixty-nine times in the Quran. Zon is said of a well that one does not know for sure if it has water or not, or a loan that one doesn’t know, or isn’t sure, if it will be paid back. And so from that flows the idea of guessing, doubting, assuming, suspicion, conjecture, offering unfounded opinions, accusing someone of et al. So, basically, it would be to say, act, or do something based on lack of certain knowledge. And it is not our duty to pokenose into another’s affair so as to be certain either. ‘Part of the perfection of one’s Islam is his leaving that which does not concern him’, said the prophet pbuh.

That means not indulging in rumors, hearsays, assumptions about people, their relationships, their affairs et al. This, really, attacks social media; all of these verses especially from V11. Social media really makes it easy for one to fall into any of the highlighted ills and vices. From seeing posts and pictures, the mind starts making assumptions, guesses, opinions, suspicions and the likes. So one must strive to not only avoid zon, but to seek avenues to protect one from zon. May Allah make it easy for us. Amin.

Allah didn’t end at just telling us to avoid, and protect ourselves from zon, He went further by saying that, ‘indeed, ‘some’ suspicion is sinful’. The word translated to ‘some’ is ba’d, and it means mosquito, gnat, to be stung or bitten by a mosquito, for something to be as small as a mosquito. It’s interesting that Allah would use this word, three times too, in a verse that talks heavily about backBITING, and would later liken backbiting to eating a corpse.

Anyway, Allah, by using ba’d is saying that zon as small as a mosquito is sinful. Ba’d is also said to mean part, some, portion, and such words; I think because the mosquito sucks some of one’s blood. Q11 V54 says ‘We say only that some of our gods…’, ba’d being the word for some.

So, some, as small as a mosquito even, of zon, is sinful.

And this concludes this sentence about zon, translated here as suspicion, but which as we’ve seen encompasses more than that. And we’ve seen how zon as little as a mosquito can be sinful.

A Muslim must never belittle their sins, they must always think of them as huge; that way, they spur one to always seek forgiveness, and to strive to act righteously. We don’t know what state our deeds are in, and we don’t know when we will die either; so a muslim must be quick to seek forgiveness, try as much as possible to avoid sins, must strive to protect herself or himself from sin, and must always try to mind her or his business. And as the prophet pbuh once said, the jihad of the soul, the self, is the major jihad. For when one conquers their self, their ego, they are at peace with the world.

PS: Q49 V12 continues here


‘His Majesty’s Government view will favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.’

These are the words in the famous 1917 ‘Balfour Declaration’, which was vehemently criticized by Jews like Henry Morgen, then in the United States and Mr. Edwin Montagu, an anti–Zionist Jew who had been appointed Secretary of State to India. It was Edwin’s criticism that led to the change of the original text – ‘Palestine should be reconstituted as the National Home of the Jewish people’ to’establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people’. And it was reiterated ‘that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.’

The Balfour Declaration was written as a result of the World Zionist Organization’s lobby with the British Government to create a ‘State of Israel’ on the Palestinian soil. During its first years, the organisation was headed by political Zionists who agreed above all to rally international support to any of its proposed settlement projects that included ‘Uganda, Argentina, Cyprus, Libya, North Eastern Sinai, Eastern Saudi Arabia or any where.’

Aside from Palestine, the project of Uganda was the most serious project endorsed under the influence of Theodore Hertzl who, after getting this offer from the British Government, saw that as better than nothing and Zionist should accept it in the circumstances as a first step. Hertzl, however, died a year later, in 1904, and the project was ruled out, after a special committee reported the unsuitability of Uganda for a Jewish settlement.

After World War I, through the effort of Chaim Weizmann and the unrelenting efforts of the World Zionist Organization and the help of the British Cabinet, the Balfour Declaration was issued.  It should be noted that what the Balfour Declaration actually wanted was a ‘National Home’ and not a ‘State’, and definitely not a ‘Country’. It was not until 1942, at the Biltmore Conference that the Zionist movement clearly declared their express intention of forming a Jewish State in Palestine, with or without British agreement.

Britain gave full support to the project. However, under the pressure of the Palestinian Revolution of 1936 to 1939, Britain issued the White Paper of 1939 that limited Jewish Immigration and acquisition of land. The World Zionist Organization met in Biltmore, New York in May of 1942, and decided to shift their lobby focus to the United States. The united States, soon after the war, asserted political pressure on Britain to revoke its White Paper Declaration of 1939 that limited, and or restricted Jewish influx into Palestine. The United States gave the Zionist huge Financial Aids and put enormous political pressure on member States of the United Nations to pass Resolution 181 that gave Jews the right of a ‘State’ in Palestine.

The 1948 war erupted and a Zionist ‘State’ was established and it was called ‘State of Israel’. It is important to note that in the 1930s and1960s, the American and Zionist propaganda to the people of United States, and the rest of the world was that the Israelites were being settled on ‘a land without people for a people’ as they were ‘a people without land’. This propaganda was easy to push since there were no internets, or social media outlets that could be used to confirm their words. However, as at 2002 United Nation sources says that there are now 3,521,130 Palestinian refugees around the world, let alone another 1.5 million refugees not registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees. Palestinian sources estimates that there are over 9,545,000 million displaced Palestinians around the world as at 2002, and the number is ever increasing.

After the massacre of 1948 which will soon be reported, the Jews migrated to Palestine, though not all, because they believe as the scripture says in Deuteronomy 30 verses 4 to 5 that:

‘Even if any of your dispersed are in the utter most parts of the heavens, from there, the Lord your God will gather you and from there will He bring you. And the Lord your God will bring you into the land which your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it, and He will do you good and multiply you above your fathers.’

And Ezekiel 39 verse 21 states:

‘Behold I will take the children of Israel from among the nations to which they have gone, and will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land.’

Whether The Land is Palestine is unknown, but what should be noted in these extracts are the words GOD, LORD, and I. The question that have arisen to the millions of Jews that have refused to migrate to the fictitious ‘State of Israel’ is – Is the United States or the Zionist political front GOD, LORD or the I noted in the prophecies, if not, and it is outrightly not, then Palestine is not the Land. And even if Palestine is the Land, it doesn’t seem fair that they migrate to a Land built on bloodsheds. A fallacious ‘State’ kindled in conspiracy.

The claim that the ‘State of Israel’ has committed an Ethnic Cleansing wouldn’t be fully discussed in a compendious manner if the previously enunciated facts are not expatiated upon. The phenomenon that Palestine was ethnically cleansed of its indigenous population is a fact, for having studied the mother of massacres that Lehi itself acclaimed to be ‘an humanitarian duty’, it is vividly clear that the charge is a Truth.

These Massacres include but not limited to the Massacres at Baldat al-Shaikh, Sacsac in Hebron, Abu kasr, Abu Shousha, Al-lid (Lydda), Village of Eilaboun, Ba’na and Deir al–Asad, Town of Qalqiliya, Khan Yunus, Al-Aqsa, Ibrahimi, Tunnel, Deir Yassin, Qibya, Kafr Qasim, Bahr al-Baqar, Sabra and Shatila, Qana, Jenin camp as well as elimination of Palestinian, and pro-Palestinian leaders and scholars around the world. These Massacres are what caused the initial exodus reported above, so the land was not definitely ’empty’ as claimed.

The killings in Palestine is one of the darkest page in the history of blood shed around the world. In 1948 alone, over 500 villages were destroyed, more than 13,000 Palestinian civilians were killed in 34 Massacres around Palestine and about 900,000 were forced to flee, 94% of them under direct pressure of death.

In an effort to make this Essay concise, I will go through some of the Massacres and share first hand experiences of those that survived or covered the Massacres.


As the world was preparing to welcome the New Year, the ferocious Hagana Gang members stormed the village of Baldat al-Shaikh (now under the Zionist name Tell Ghanan) in pursuit of unarmed citizens, so as to aggravate the existing fear that will trigger the denizens to flee.

The death toll of this massacre reached approximately 600. Their bodies were mainly found inside the village houses.


In the village of Sasac, at dusk when everyone was asleep, the village was attacked. The Zionist attacked, frightening the citizens who sought refuge in their homes.  Twenty homes were bombed, and the death toll reach 150.


This massacre was carried out by terrorists from the Hagana armed organisation, which subsequently became the nucleus of the Zionist Army. The armed terrorist massacred indiscriminately. Corpses of children, women and aged persons including Christians were found littering the streets.

With series of explosion operations, the Zionist terrorists pursued the unarmed villagers who tried to flee from their homes for fear of being killed.


The famous Deir Yassin’s massacre was one of the most inhumane atrocities ever committed by man to man. Perhaps the severity of blood shed was what has always made Menachem Begin, Israel’s Prime Minister from 1977-1983, to always deny stories of massacres but later would say that ‘out of evil, good came’.

On the 9th of April 1948, the Irgun, a Jewish underground group, had slaughtered, yes, axe-slaughtered as many as 250 inhabitants of Deir Yassin, a Palestinian village near Jerusalem.

On the 10th of April 1948, the Zionist gangs of Stern, Irgun and Hagana raided Deir Yassin at 2am, which continued till afternoon of the same day. According to eye witnesses, these terrorists killed every one within shooting range and subsequently threw bombs to destroy the houses along with everyone inside them. The terrorists of these notorious gangs searched the rubble to massacre everyone who remained alive inside the demolished houses.

Before withdrawing from the village, the terrorists gathered together the remaining villagers and executed them in cold blood, including elderly people, women and children.

In describing the massacre, an eyewitness recounted – ‘a bride and groom at their final wedding celebration were the first victims. First they were thrown down along with thirty-three of their neighbors, they were forced to stand up against a wall and pelted with machine-guns with their hands tied.’

Fahmi Zaydan, the only survivor of his family in this massacre was 12 years old at that time. He recounted the plight of his family by saying – ‘the Jews ordered everybody in my family to stand up with their faces to the wall. Then they started opening fire on us, I was wounded in my side. Most of our kids managed to survive because we hid behind our families. But a bullet shattered the head of my sister Qadriya, who was four years old, and everybody else who was standing along the wall was killed, including my mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, maternal aunts and uncles, and some of their kids.’

Halima Eid, a descendant of one of the largest families in Deir Yassin, was thirty years old at the time of the massacre. She recalled – ‘I saw a Jew who shot my brother’s wife, Khaldiya in the neck. She was about to give birth. Then he slashed her stomach open with a butcher’s knife and when one of the women tried to get the baby out of the dead mother’s womb, they killed her too. Her name was Aisha Radwan.’

In another house, Hana’ Khalil, 16 years old at the time, saw a Jewish terrorist unsheathe a large knife and use it to slit open the body of her neighbor, Jamila Habash, from head to toe. Then he killed another neighbor who belonged to the family by the name of the Fathis in the same manner and on the doorstep of the same house.’

The same sort of atrocities were repeated in all houses by these terrorists. Among these guerillas were female Jews belonging to the Lehi and Itzel organization, which vehemently participated in the massacre swinging daggers with hands and body splashed with blood, as if the axes were war medals.

Menachem Begin, former Prime Minister of ‘Israel’, boasted about this massacre in one of his writings. He wrote that ‘the operation had tremendous, unanticipated results. After hearing the news of Deir Yassin, the Arabs were panicked and began fleeing in terror. Out of a total of 800,000 Arabs, who had been living in the land of present day ‘Israel’, only 156,000 remained.’

Lehi also killed non-Palestinians in this raid. Most prominent was the British Minister resident in the Middle East, Sir Edward Walter Guinness. Even though Lehi was banned for their actions during these periods. Israel granted a general amnesty to Lehi members on the 14th of February 1949. And in 1980, Israel instituted a military decoration in ‘award for activity in the struggle for the establishment of Israel’, it was called the ‘Lehi Ribbon’.

Another prominent non-Palestinian that was murdered during this seige was Folke Bernadotte. Folke Bernadotte, was a Swedish diplomat and nobleman noted for his negotiation of the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps during World War II. He would later be assassinated by the Jewish Terrorist group Lehi.


The Zionists Jav’ati brigade, at dawn opened fire indiscriminately on every thing that moved, which resulted in the bloody death of fifty victims, including men and women, elderly and young, many whom had their heads cut off with axes.


This massacre was carried out by the command unit led by Moshe Dayan, a defense and Foreign Minister of ‘Israel’. The unit stormed the city in the evening amidst a torrent of artillery shells and gunfire directed at everything that moved in the city.

The Palestinians took refuge from the attack in the Dahmash Mosque. But as soon as the Zionist terrorist reached the mosque, they killed 176 civilians who took refuge there, raising the victims of this massacre to 426 Palestinians.

Once the slaughter had come to an end, the remaining unarmed civilians were led to the city’s sports stadium, where the young men were detained and killed. Some fled to the Jordan, and among those that fled was Khahil Al Wazir, who then was 12. The 12th of July 1948 turned out to be a cruel day. It was the day the then Prime Minister David Ben Gurion issued orders to expel the Palestinians from the towns of Ramleh and Lydda, in what is now the centre of Israel.

Joined with his mother, brothers and sister in a pathetic retreat by road from the besieged Palestinian town of Ramleh, towards Ramallah, before long the family found itself in the Gaza Strip, the destinations for about one-quarter of the Palestinian dispersed by the killing and maiming of 1948 and 1949, which till date has suffered continuous attacks from ‘Israel’.

For George Habash, a medical student at the time, 13th of July, was a day of truth, the day after Ramleh was emptied of its Palestinian inhabitants. Lydda succumbed following a fierce bombardment to rid the town of its population.


The village was attacked on October 29 1948 by “Israel’s” forces, which clashed with a group of men who were present in the village. The ‘Israel’ forces managed to enter the town at 5:00am. On October 30th after the withdrawal of rescue Army fighters, the inhabitants were ordered to gather in the city square, and were then fired at randomly from all four directions.


Zionist forces surrounded the two towns of Ba’na and Deir al-Asad then over took them on October 31, 1948, at 10:00am. The forces commanders ordered through loudspeakers the inhabitant of the two villages to gather on the plain area located between the two villages under guard of Zionist soldiers, then killed a group of young men in a manner described by a UN observer as ‘brutal murder, since it took place without provocation or even an expression of anger on the part of the people.’


These terrorists. after intensive artillery fired directed at the villagers, Units from the standing army of the Zionist entity surrounded Qibya with a force of approximately 600 soldiers. They stormed the village, firing in all directions.

While another unit, led by Ariel Sharon, pursued villagers with fire, other Zionist infantrymen placed explosives around some houses and blew them up together with their residents. According to eyewitnesses who survived the massacre, Zionist soldier stationed themselves outside these houses, and fired on anyone who tried to flee.

The casualties of the massacre reached 67, including men, women, children and most times Christians, while hundreds were injured. The massacre was followed by wails and tears by the survivors. Between this chaos. a woman sat on a pile of debris, she looked deep into the sky as if studying it. A closer look reveals the sight of small hands and legs which were the remains of her six children, while her husband’s bullet-mangled corpse lay on the road in front of her, all still and breathless.

On October 27th 1953, at the International Security Council, General Von Pinika, Chief UN observer at that time stated that “the attack had been planned, and was carried out by the regular ‘Israeli’ forces.”


The bloodthirsty Zionist army and a number of settlers attacked Qalqiliya, located along the green line which divided the Arab lands occupied in 1948 from the West Bank. Those who took part in the psychopathic attack included an army detachment and an artillery battalion, along with ten fighter air craft.

The Zionist army bombarded the village with artillery fire before storming it. The death toll of the massacre was marked at 70.


During the 1956 war, the Zionist administration imposed a curfew on all Arab towns and villages, including the village of Kafr Qasim. The curfew was communicated late to the village and a number of children and elderly people took off to inform the young men, then working in the fields outside the village about it. But the Zionist forces stationed outside the village killed them all in cold blood before reaching the village. The death toll was 49 civilians, including a number of children and elderly people.


During the war of 1956, ‘Israel’ resulted in the occupation of Gaza strip for sometimes, the Zionist army carried out a massacre against the Palestinian Khan Yunus refugee camp, south of Gaza City, in which 250 Palestinians were cruelly killed.

Nine days later, on November 12 1956, a unit of the Zionist army carried out another massacre in which more than 275 civilians were killed in the same camp. On the same day, the Zionist terrorists killed over a hundred more Palestinians in the Rafah refugee camp.


September 16, was the dreadful pogrom’s day where Maronite Christian forces, covered by units of the ‘Israel’ invasion army, stormed the camps of Sabra and Shatila in Beirut. The massacre continued for approximately 36 hours. During the operation, the ‘Israel’ army surrounded the camps, preventing any one from entering or leaving,

Radio London reported via one of its correspondents that while the killing were going on, ‘Israel’ soldiers surrounded the camps with tanks, shooting anything that moved. This massacre that killed over 3, 297 Palestinian civilians was carried out under the supervision of Ariel Sharon, then the Defense Minister and the architect of the invasion. The ‘Israel’ military Court that investigated the massacre shamelessly claimed ‘that the general’s commands were misunderstood, and ridiculously fined him an equivalent of 14 American cents.’

Umm Ghazi Younes Madhi, one of the survivors of the massacre said, ‘They stormed the camp at 5:30am on September 16’ she recalls. ‘We did not hear any gunfire at first since they were killing people with axes and knives. They would bury the people alive with bulldozers. We ran away barefooted with bullets on our heels. They slaughtered my husband and three of my children in the massacre. I saw them slaughtering a pregnant woman with her husband. My niece came out of the house and they grabbed her and slaughtered her in her street. They did the same thing to her small son, who was in her arms.’

Munir Ahmad Al-Doukhi, who at that time was a 13 year old boy, survived three attempts to take his life. He said he ‘had been placed under the responsibility of armed men wearing filthy clothes and who did not speak Arabic well. With me was a group of women and children who had been dragged out of their houses. They fired on the women and children, and I was injured in my right foot. My mother was wounded in her shoulder and in her leg. When they asked the wounded to stand up so that they could take them to the hospital, I pretended to be dead.

Then they fired on them all over again. So that’s how I survived the second attempt to kill me. But my mother had already died. And on the morning of the next day, they shot at me when they found out that I was still alive. They wounded me and thought I was dead, so they left me alone.’

Sumaya Qasim Bashir says, ‘My husband and my son were killed in the massacre. The most horrible sight I saw was the sight of our neighbor, Hajja Munira Amr, first they slaughtered her four-month-old child before her eyes, and then they slaughtered her.’

An American nurse by the name of Jill Drew tells of an eye witness who said that they tied up the children, and then slaughtered them like sheep in the Sabra and Shatila camps. They were lined up in the sports stadium, and then they form firing squads to shoot them dead.

Ali Khalil Afana, who was 12 years old at the time looked while his mother and father were being rained with bullets and would later hear that his three brother had been killed and their house ruined to pieces with him in the hospital, with broken hands and legs.

A woman from Sabra camp narrated that ‘they pushed my husband, my father and brother toward a wall and stood them up their backs to it. Then they made them raise their hands and showered them with a torrent of bullets, and they fell down dead. When my mother and I screamed they pulled us by the hair toward a deep hole that had been caused by a bomb. But just then they received orders to move somewhere else, so they left without firing on us. Then we fled.’

Another woman speaks of how they came into her house when a neighbor boy was visiting her. They fell upon him with an axe and split his head in two. She says, ‘When I screamed, they tied me up with a rope that they had with them. Then they threw me into the floor and three of them took turns molesting me. By the time they left I was unconscious, and when I finally woke up I was in a civil defense ambulance.’

Some militiamen would crush Palestinians to death under the wheels of their military vehicles. A Danish television cameraman by the name of Pederson, filmed a number of army trucks filled with women, children and elderly people, headed towards some unknown destinations.

People in Sabra and Shatila were killed indiscriminately, and a large number of women were molested. There were many people who raised white flags as a sign of surrender, especially children and women. However they were among the first victims of the massacre. Among them were more than fifty women who went to surrender, but they were all killed.

In Akka (Acre) hospital at exactly 11:30am, the ‘Israeli’ terrorist group came in, and killed doctors and patients. A 19 year old Palestinian nurse by the name of Intisar Ismail, whose disfigured corpse was found later had scars of having been molested before being killed.

They killed many sick and wounded people as well as some of the hospital workers and local residents who had come to the hospital for refuge. Then they forced forty patients to get into trucks. They were not seen again. During the massacre, the terrorists killed physicians Ali Uthman and Samiya al- Khatib inside the hospital. And they emptied their cartridges into the head of a fourteen year- old wounded boy named Muwaffaq As’ad as he lay in bed.

Roberto Soro, a Beirut correspondent for the The Time, relates what he saw after entering the camps as follows, “There was nothing but piles of debris and corpses. The bodies were piled on top of one another, including children, women and men. Some of them had their hands tied behind them, and some had their hands tied to their legs. Part of some heads had flown off in different directions, and there was the body of a woman holding her child to her bosom, both of them had been killed by the same bullet. The bodies had been removed from one place to another with ‘Israeli’ bulldozers. One woman stood over a maimed corpse screaming, ‘My husband! Oh Lord who will help me now? And all of my children have been killed! My husband, they have slaughtered him! What will I do? Oh Lord, Oh Lord!’”

The Washington Post’s correspondent recorded what he saw as follows, ‘Entire houses had been destroyed by bulldozers, turned into piles of bodies as if they were so many dolls. And over the corpses, the holes which appeared in the walls of the house indicated that they had been shot dead. On a short dead-end street we came across two girls, one of them about 11 years old and the other only a few months. They were both lying on the ground with their legs tied up, and there was a small hole in each one’s head. A few steps away from them on the wall of a house bearing the numbers 422 and 424, they had fired on eight men.

Every street, no matter how small, had its story to tell. On one street there were sixteen corpses piled on top of each other in peculiar positions, and nearby there lay a 40 year old man with his hand still extended in a gesture as if to plead for mercy. His dust-covered head looked toward a woman now beneath the rubble.’

A man reported that ‘We saw cadavers piled up in a corner to our right, only fifty yards from the entrance to the Shatila camp. There were more than twelve bodies of young men whose feet and hands had been tied around each other, and they were still in the throes of death. Every one of them had received a bullet near their temple which had gone through their brains. On the right side of the necks of some of them there were bright red and black scars I saw a little girl no more than three years old who had been thrown into the road like a doll someone had thrown away. Her white dress was spattered with mud, blood and dirt, and a bullet had blown away the back of her head.

When the armed men stormed the camp, families had gone to sleep and were in their bedrooms. I saw bodies lying on the floors and piled under chairs. And it appeared that many women had been molested, since their clothes were strewn on the ground. I saw a mother holding her little boy, both of them with bullets through their heads, Unclad women whose hands had been bound behind their backs, and a baby with a shattered head. And they lined them up carefully in a circle, placing the head in the middle. At Sabra and Shatila the prevailing impression is that the killers deliberately aimed to kill children in particular.’

After the terrorists had withdrawn, 3, 297 men, women and children were killed within forty hours, between September 16-18, 1982. Among the dead bodies, 136 Lebanese were found, 1800 victims were killed in the streets and alleys of the camps, while 1,097 were killed in the Gaza Hospital and 400 others in the Akka Hospital.


On Monday, October 8 1990, immediately before the noon prayer, some Jewish extremists, who belonged to a Zionist extremist organisation, tried to hold a prayer service inside the mosque. About 5,000 Muslims rushed to prevent them from desecrating the mosque, and clashed with the Zionists led by the terrorist Ghorshoun Salmoun leader of the ‘Temple Mount Trustees’. Only moment after the worshipper’s arrival, ‘Israeli’ soldiers stationed heavily inside the mosque precincts began firing indiscriminately on Muslim worshippers. The attack led to 21 deaths and wounded 150 others.


Before worshippers had completed the dawn prayer in the Ibrahami Mosque in Al-Khalil (Hebron), a blast of hand grenades exploded and the sound of bullet spray filled the mosque. Bullets and splinters from the grenades pierced the heads, necks and backs of the worshippers, wounding more than 350.

The attack began when an unrepentant terrorist by the name Baroukh Goldstein, and a group of settlers from the Kiryat Arba settlement, entered the mosque. Goldstein was carrying his military machine gun and hand grenades along with large amounts of banned ammunition. He stood behind one of the pillars in the mosque, waited until the worshippers had prostrated and then ferociously opened machine gun fire on them while others helped him load the ammunition, which included internationally banned explosive leads.

Goldstein carried out the massacre at a time when those Zionist soldiers closed the mosque doors to prevent worshippers from fleeing. They also denied entrance to those coming from outside the mosque to rescue the mosque victims. The massacre led to fifty deaths twenty-nine of which occurred inside the mosque.


In September 1996, the “Israeli” government opened up a tunnel parallel to the southern wall of the Aqsa mosque, a move which Palestinians saw as a dangerous prelude to implement the Zionist plan to destroy the mosque by shaking its foundations. Violent clashes broke out between Palestinian demonstrators and the occupation soldiers in September 25-27, 1996.

During that time approximately 62 Palestinians were shot dead and 1500 injured by the ‘Israeli’ soldiers, who used a variety of weapons, including helicopters.

So as to save you the nightmares, it is safe to say that if Ethnic Cleansing means the mass expulsion or killing of members of one ethnic or religious group in an area by those of another, then the ‘State of Israel’ with the help of its allies are guilty of this inhuman crime against not just Palestinians, but humanity at large.

The only reason they did what they did was to create the blood-dripping ‘State of Israel’, which today is being visited by tourists all over the world. It is clear that the Palestinians did not attack any place known as ‘Israel’ prior to 1948, before the Zionists attacked Palestine.

Professor Illan Pappe, an ‘Israeli’ historian, born in ‘Israel’, is of the view that Palestine was ethnically cleansed in 1948 of its original indigenous population, Ani Shlaim also an ‘Israeli’ historian was of the opinion that “’Israel’ has always rejected offer for peace”. Illan came to an obvious conclusion that ‘the plan for this massive ethnic cleansing has been on since 1937, under the leadership of the founding father of Zionism, David Ben-Gurion. The plan for ethnic cleansing of Palestine was carefully prepared’, thus the Zionist leadership planned to change the demographic structure on ground, thereby, committing the heinous crime of Ethnic Cleansing.

This conclusion derived from the fact of history and not that of the present media that is one sided, has a lot of legal implications, not just political ones. For if I am right by accusing the fictitious ‘State of Israel’ of Ethnically Cleansing Palestine in 1948 and in subsequent massacres till this day, then I am accusing them of a crime against humanity as recognized in the International Law.

The American State Department Legal Section says that any group in history, or in the future, that lives in a mixed ethnic group, and plans to get rid of one of the ethnic groups, is committing a crime against humanity, and it does not matter whether it does it by peaceful means or military means, the very idea that you can get rid of people just because they are ethnically different from you, today, definitely in International Law, is considered to be a crime.

It is quite interesting that the state department says that the only solution for victims of an ethnic cleansing crime, who are usually refugees like the Palestinians are in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, North Africa and some Arab countries because you expel them, is the return of everyone to their homes. Devastatingly, the State Department’s list of cases of ethnic cleansing crimes, excludes ‘Israel’. Everyone else appears, from biblical times until today. But the one case that does not appear as an ethnic cleansing epitome is the case of Palestine because this would have committed the State Department to believe in the Palestinian right of return, which they dreadfully do not want.

According to the scripture in Deuteronomy 30: 4-5 and Ezekiel 39: 21 as quoted above, GOD said He will bring you to your ‘own land’, not you will bring yourselves to your land by shedding innocent lives, thus, making ends justify the means, but, He the Lord will gather you ‘even if any of your dispersed are in the uttermost part of the heavens’ not United Nations, United States, World Zionist Organization or other allies that forcefully settled the Jews on land that doesn’t belong to them.  Did it occur to them at all that the ‘promised land’ could actually be ‘the entire Earth’? I don’t think it did.

Another interesting question is, are these supposed Jews of semitic blood or not? For the semitic Jews are the ones that took covenant with GOD through Abraham. 91% of the present day Jews belong to the Ashkenazim Jews that became Jews by Faith as distinct from Blood. The Jews that presently occupy ‘Israel’ are fake, they belong to the Khazar tribe. While these Khazar clan were on exile and looking for a place to stay, they took advantage of this prophecy in the Bible. The Khazar Tribe have been termed  ‘the Thirteenth Tribe’ as against the biblical twelve tribe, by Mr. Arthur Koestler who was an Ashkenazi Jew himself.

He wasn’t blurred by the mission of his clan in saying the truth. In his book ‘The Thirteenth Tribe’, which caused a stir when published in 1976, since it demolishes ancient racial and ethnic dogmas. At the height of the controversy in 1983, the lifeless bodies of Arthur Koestler and his wife were found in their London home, despite all significant inconsistencies, the police ruled their death suicide.

And similarly for the same cause was the case of Ismail Raji Al-Faruqi, who was murdered along with his wife in his apartment on the morning of May 27 1986, at their home in Pennsylvania. The second tribe, the Sephardim, who still constitute 9% of the world Jewry population belong to the original twelve tribes, and are still scattered all over the world as enunciated by the prophecy in the scripture. And there are facts to prove that Blacks might actually be the true Jews with semitic blood.

So at best, the erroneous ‘State of Israel’, would better be called ‘State of Khazar’. But do the Israelites even own Palestine? The answer is a resounding NO! And this fact is alluded to in the scriptures of the three Abrahamic faiths. But if we must go by Historical accounts; Abraham, the father of Israel and Ishmael wasn’t born in Palestine. He was born in a place now within Iraq. He traveled, and lived with the Palestinians in peace before giving birth to Israel, who then gave birth to those now called Israelites. The supposed complicated history is that simple. So should this ‘visitor tribe’ own the entire nation centuries after? NO!

That said, one of the major solutions the international world can do to the bereaved Palestinians is to return their land with full compensation for the lives that were lost during the ethnic cleansing era which is still very much ongoing. It is only then that the Palestinians can agree to assimilate this pseudo-Israelites on their own terms.

And until the people of Israel, adherents of Judaism, and the sympathisers of the people of Israel speak the truth about the atrocities that the Khazar Zionist Jews inflicted on the Palestinians to get the land, there will be no peace for the ‘State of Israel’. And a far more reaching moral indictment is the cross of this crimes that the ancient religion of Judaism will carry.

It seems to me therefore, and to a handful of history scholars and Jews, that the most patriotic thing to do in support of a far lasting Resolution for the people of Israel is that this story be told, and told to and by the true Jews, so that they can stand up against the soiling of their heritage. For truth is like light in the dark, the sooner it shimmers, the sooner it is seen.

And if these Jews do not distant themselves quickly and openly in protection of their heritage, history and the memories of the future unborn, then when the world sees the light, a wide blanket of hate will be used to smear not just the man called Israel, but his father, Abraham, and the entire Abrahamic faiths. And the continued act of Terrorism by ‘Israel’ is not just inhumane, but it outrightly spits legitimacy on their sufferings in Europe, and under Germany’s Holocaust.

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